Wednesday, July 21, 2010

pictures of progress

Hi all - I am adding a couple of pictures so you can see that I actually did what I said I did.  I realized today that it is exactly 10 days until August.  Why is that a big deal?  Well, once August hits, I can see that I will be back to work soon.  No more lazying around the house with quiet music and my own musings.  I'll have to think in the past, present, and future all at the same time - a little scarey. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I just finished babysitting the wee one.  She is so good.  She played, slept in my arms, ate, and played some more.  She is working on her turning-over skills.  Now I need to sleep.  But instead, I'll work on the genealogy.  I received in the mail the ship's passenger list for my mother's mother's father.  I'm pretty sure he came over more than once so I will try and track that down. 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Birds and Hair

Terri cut my hair last night.  Woa - she got scissor crazy.  I think she didn't want to do it again anytime soon.  Well, it turned out fine.  But you should have seen her back lawn - there were little hair tumbleweeds blowing all over - enough to make a couple of bird nests.  Speaking of which - the young baby nesting outside our kitchen took it's first flight today.  It got scared when Ken went out and flew to the other side of the deck.  I don't think the other egg is going to hatch. I've forgotten what Julia told me about putting a picture in here. Hey, I figured it out!!!  oh yeah, tomorrow I'm going to babysit Bailee...and I spent the entire weekend working on genealogy.  By the way Julia if you read this - send me Ryan full birthday please and his mom's full name.  That will do for a start.  How do you like my sentence structure?  Good-bye.  I'm going to cook dinner.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Well, I'm stuck on m-words and you know it will take me awhile to get over it.  I've been practicing on how to use the various parts of this blog, adding and changing a few things.  Just a short comment on the book I'm reading for the maybe book club...I'm having a hard time getting into the book(Wolf Hall) and keep falling asleep after a couple of pages.  It's definitely not the subject, but the style of writing.  Maybe as I get going more, it will get smoother for me.  OK - so really, I'm must be stalling.  I need to get to my genealogical research and get organized with it.  One last thought - Ringo just turned 70 - hard for my head to get around that fact.  Also, Paul will be performing in SF tomorrow night -ummm.  Now, I guess I need to let some people know I have this blog-thing to do that?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

where am I on the learning curve

Well,  I'm working on how to use this new e-thingy.  It took me 5 minutes just to get here.  It's calm here and too quiet now that my beautiful children have returned to their own homes.  I will share my day as a start and try to add a picture or two.  I'm listening to the Harry Potter theme to the first movie. uumm- it sends me to a pleasant place while I work on this.  My day started early sending Juda off into the wild blue yonder and back to Snark who surely has missed her.  Home by 8am, phone calls, errands to run, more phone calls, and more errands.  You will be happy to know I made a chiropractic appt for tomorrow - kids.  Also, got an appointment to have the chip in the windshield repaired on Saturday.  Geeze - it's always something.  Somehow my co-op order did not come.  Either it didn't get ordered or the company did not send it.  I'll have to wait another month which is not the end of the world, but I will need to go to Raleys and buy Nugo bars.  I just want to say ThANK YOU children for all the help and mostly for spending time with me.  I love having you around.  OK - now for the pics-