Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back to school

Well - a new school year has started.  I've got 20 hot little bodies all eager to learn.  I hope I'm not wasting their time.  I've lost some of my self-confidence, so need to work on that.  I put in 9 plus hours a day and yet that is not near enough time, and according to my principal's philosophy, a teacher should do whatever it takes without complaining or pay.  I love teaching - I just don't like the crappy stuff that gets attached to the job. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if your principal would much like doing your job without complaint or pay... somehow I doubt it, considering she's not teaching anymore. I don't like the crappy stuff attached to your job either, and I'm sorry it's making you doubt yourself.

    Shame on our society for cramming unrealistic expectations on teachers and students, but not nurturing their cabilities for being successful. You are not provided with spaces that come with appropriate materials (you buy materials for your students all the time out of your own pay), time, focus, pay, and emotional support. GRRRRRRRRRRR!
