Saturday, April 16, 2016

March Madness

We have had tons of birds in the yard and at the feeders.
Mourning Dove
White Crown Sparrow

Common Rosefinch
These are some of the birds I captured.  There was also a jay, but it was too allusive.  Sometimes the birds fight over the seeds and fly over to the flower pots for a drink of water. 
  • First-year birds tend to disperse further than adults which explains why colonizing birds are almost always dull-plumaged (young) males.
  • A group of rosefinches are collectively known as a "bouquet" of finches.
  • Maybe this is a house finch.  It's hard to tell the difference, except for their location.
  • House finches are natives of the American West, but were introduced in New York City in the 1940's.  Since that time, eastern birds have spread throughout the eastern half of the country, while western populations have also expanded.  The House Finch, like the House Sparrow, is well adapted to living with humans and has taken advantage of their presence rather than suffering because of it.  Today the House Finch can be found throughout the country.  Both a male (left) and female (right) are depicted in the photos to the right.
  • Bird Feeders: Sunflower seeds, thistle, and millet seeds.
